
Green fingers – plant seeds together

What you need 

  • Plant pots 
  • Compost or soil 
  • Seeds 

What to do 

  • Place the compost, plant pots and seeds on a low table or on the floor.  
  • Tell or show your child how to fill the pot with compost.  
  • Then get them to place a seed in the compost and cover it.  
  • Place the pots somewhere your child can reach to water them each day.  

Good to know 

Getting your child involved with gardening is a great way to develop physical skills and encourage conversation. You can start with planting seeds in pots you keep indoors if you don’t have outdoor space for gardening.  

If your child finds it difficult to wait for seeds to grow, use some plug plants instead and encourage them to help look after the plants as they grow.