
Getting dressed – start offering your toddler a choice of clothing

What you need 

  • A couple of outfits you’re happy for your toddler to wear 

What to try 

  • Offer your toddler some choices when getting dressed. 
  • At first, simply offering a choice of two options might be enough for you and your toddler, so adapt according to what works for you.  
  • Initially, fewer choices will help them focus, so you could say, “You’re going to wear these trousers, but would you like the blue top or the green one?” 
  • If you need your toddler to dress for certain weather, or in a certain way, make sure the options they can see are all suitable for them to choose from.  

Good to know 

Your toddler may soon start to show a preference for the clothing they want or don’t want to wear. Think about times when wearing a particular outfit actually matters, and when it doesn't.  

It’s possible your toddler will insist on wearing a fancy-dress costume rather than the outfit you'd like them to put on. If they’re hanging around with you all day, or popping to the shop, does it matter? If they are going to a wedding or to nursery, it might matter, and you’ll have to explain this to your toddler with a choice of suitable outfits!