Activity Two

Follow the object – will your baby try to push up so they can keep it in sight?

Written by MFFY | Jun 28, 2022 9:05:23 AM

What you need 

  • Favourite toys or objects 


What to do 

  1. When your baby is in the crawling position, play ‘follow the object’ games together.  
  2. Sit in front of your baby with some of their favourite toys or objects.  
  3. Show them a toy and use an excited voice to gain their attention.  
  4. Slowly move the toy up and down to encourage your baby to watch it move.  
  5. You can also move the toy from side to side or wiggle it around and make funny noises.  
  6. To add to the fun, hide the toy from your baby’s sight.  
  7. Using your excited voice again, have the toy appear from the floor or from up above.  


Good to know 

Your baby may move their head to find where the toy is, and their arms might push up when following toys that travel upwards. 

Not all babies will crawl on their hands and knees. If your baby isn’t interested in this position at the moment you can play the game whenever they are settled comfortably – either on their tummy or sitting down.