
Follow my lead – good fun is guaranteed!

What you need 

  • Two teddies 

How to play 

  • Sit with your toddler, each holding a teddy, and look at your teddies. 
  • Start off the game by saying something like, “I’m going to kiss teddy. Kiss teddy.” 
  • Kiss your teddy.  
  • Say to your toddler, “Your turn.” 
  • Encourage them to repeat the words, “Kiss teddy.”  
  • If they kiss their teddy without speaking, you can speak for them and say, “Kiss teddy, oh look, you kissed your teddy.” 
  • Repeat the game with other actions, until your toddler shows you they have had enough. 

Good to know 

Your toddler might just use one word, like, “Kiss.” If they do this, add a word or two to what they said when you comment, for example “Kiss teddy.”  

Don’t ask your toddler to repeat what you said again, or insist they speak before the game moves on, as this can lead to frustration. Just hearing what you say will help your toddler to learn, even if they don’t say it themselves.