Activity Two

Finding my balance – how to control a wobble when sitting on a bike

Written by MFFY | Jul 19, 2022 2:50:07 PM

What to try 

  • Take your toddler’s bike to an open space. A large area of grass is perfect. 
  • You are going to encourage your toddler to walk their feet out to the side of the bike while maintaining their balance. This is a great game to help with core balance. 
  • Stand in front of your toddler’s bike, close enough to hold onto the handlebars if needed.  
  • Invite your toddler to sit on their bike. Let them have a play and a wiggle if they want to before you start the game. 
  • When they’re ready, start by asking your toddler to lift and move one foot slightly out to the side, away from the bike.  
  • Repeat this with the other foot.  
  • Encourage your toddler to alternate their footsteps to each side, gradually getting wider. It will take time but eventually they will be able to walk both their feet as wide as possible without wobbling over.  
  • This will support their understanding of how to adjust and correct balance on their bike when it’s moving. 

Good to know 

They may wobble as they move their feet, this is because their centre of gravity has been shifted. If they wobble, their natural response will be to put their foot back down. They may also adjust their back or arms to try and rebalance their centre of gravity.  

If they are very wobbly, and especially at first, hold the bike so that it doesn’t topple over.