
Filling and emptying – a game to practise offering toys

What you need 

  • A box or bag 
  • Some of your baby’s toys 


What to do 

  1. Put some of your baby’s toys in a box or bag.  
  2. Take a toy out and offer it to your baby, give them time to explore the toy then offer them another.  
  3. When you have taken some toys out your baby might want to have a turn.  
  4. Hold the bag or box for them and see if they take a toy and offer it to you.  
  5. When all the toys are out of the box or bag, put them back in one at a time.  
  6. You could pick up a toy and put it in then pick one up and offer it to your baby so they can put it in.  


Good to know 

You might find this game is a bit different every time you play it! Respond to your baby’s interests –sometimes they might like to see the bag or box full and not want it to be emptied. Or they might find a favourite toy and just want to play with that.