
You're feeding your baby's brain as well as their body

Feeding a newborn (whether breast or bottle) is different for every baby and every parent, but however you are feeding, it will take up much of your time.  

  • When you're feeding, you’re seeing one of your baby’s amazing reflexes in action: their rooting reflex is triggered when the corner of their mouth is stroked or touched – they will open their mouth and turn their head towards the feeling.  
  • This reflex began to develop before your baby was even born, and as well as helping them feed, it also helps to develop their brain!  
  • When you’re watching them feed for what feels like the millionth hour of the day, remind yourself that you’re watching a moment of brain development in your baby and giving them exactly what they need.  
  • So, if you're feeding now and are curious to know a bit more about your baby's developing brain, you might enjoy this short watch about building babies' brains.
  • If you'd prefer a quick and quiet read, take a look at our article on your baby's brain development after birth.