
Fabric fanfare – encouraging your baby’s fine motor skills using sound

What you need 

  • A scarf, cloth or piece of clothing 
  • A noisy toy, like a rattle or a shaker 

What to do 

  1. During tummy time, place a light cloth or scarf on the ground with one end near to your baby's hand.  
  2. Put a rattle, shaker or another toy that makes a noise on the fabric. As your baby explores the fabric with their hand and fingers, their movement will make the fabric move, causing the toy or rattle to move and make a sound.  
  3. Allow your baby to explore this cause and effect for as long as they wish, helping to reposition the toy or rattle if needed so it keeps making a noise. 

When using fabric with your baby, always check that there are no loose threads that could get caught around their hands and fingers. 

Good to know 

When your baby isn't interested in tummy time, you can do a similar activity with them on your lap, with the fabric and noisy toy on a table or your lap in front of them. Allow them to explore it freely and notice how your baby moves their hand on the surface to explore with their fingers.