
Empower your baby with little tasks to complete

What you need 

  • Your baby's going outdoors things, such as shoes and a coat 

What to do 

  • When you’re leaving the house, ask your baby to help you. You might say, “We are going out now, we need our shoes. Can you find your shoes?” Use gestures to help them link the words to actions. 
  • Allow some time for your baby to find their shoes.  
  • If they come back with the wrong shoe, or one shoe, give them lots of praise for understanding they needed to bring shoes.  
  • If you usually take out a bag for your baby, ask them to try and find it.  
  • Start with a task that they are likely to achieve more quickly, like fetching their shoes, then gradually add more achievable tasks to the routine of leaving the house.  

Good to know 

If you have time, don’t forget to take a photo of your baby helping you out. It would make a lovely memory for your scrapbook.