
Dressing up – use imaginative play to practise getting dressed

What you need 

  • A selection of dressing up clothes

What to do 

  • Put the clothes where your child can reach them.  
  • Ask them what they’d like to dress up in today.  
  • Help them find the clothes they want to wear, and give them time to put them on.  
  • Then play with them, as whoever they’ve chosen to be today. 

Good to know 

While dressing-up outfits made for children are lovely, old adult clothes are great for developing this skill. Having slightly bigger clothes to try on is likely to make it a bit easier for your child to get them on without help.  

If you’re using adult clothes make sure you check pockets for anything you don’t want your child to play with and be aware, if things are too long your child might trip over them.