Activity Two

Dressing up – pop old clothes in a dressing box for your toddler to explore

Written by MFFY | Jun 29, 2022 11:15:25 AM

What you need 

  • Old clothes to dress up in, such as hats, shoes, bags, gloves, scarves, T-shirts. 
  • Fabrics can be used to dress up in, too 
  • A bag or a box to store them in 

What to try 

  • Bring out the clothes bag or box.
  • Encourage them to rummage through the items. 
  • If they show an interest in any, encourage them to put them on. 
  • Support your toddler by showing them how to put the clothes on. 

Good to know 

Your toddler will need a lot of help from you when putting on dressing up clothes, but the more frequently they get opportunities to play with these, the more able they will become to develop their own capabilities.  

You could always ask family members and friends for their unwanted items.