Activity Two

Dressing up delights – do these clothes all fit me?

Written by MFFY | Jul 18, 2022 2:36:29 PM

What you need 

  • A selection of clothes, including some adult and some baby (or dolls) clothes 

What to do 

  • Give your toddler plenty of time to look at the clothes and maybe try some on. 
  • Stay close by to offer reassurance and help if needed.   
  • While they explore, comment occasionally on what they are doing. 
  • If you see them trying to put something on that isn’t the right size, say, "I’m not sure that hat fits you, it looks too small for your head.”  
  • Have fun and be silly trying different clothes together. You might try to put on a toy’s shoe saying, “Oh I love these shoes, I’ve always wanted to try them on. Oh dear, I’m not sure they will fit me!”