Activity Two

Dingle, dangle, reach, and grab – playing with both hands while standing is fab!

Written by MFFY | Jun 28, 2022 12:42:54 PM

What you need 

  • A low, sturdy table 
  • Toys 

What to do 

  1. Place the toys on a low table and encourage your baby to pull up to stand at it.  
  2. Sit behind your baby and give them time to explore the toys.  
  3. After a few moments, pick up one of the toys and dangle it in the air, in front of your baby. 
  4. Watch to see if your baby tries to use both hands to grab it.  
  5. If they lose their balance and fall over, this is fine, as you are there as their cushion. You can also place some soft blankets or cushions around the area to be on the safe side.