Activity Two

Avoiding each other – build on your toddler’s movement skills with a silly game

Written by MFFY | Jul 19, 2022 2:51:32 PM

What to try 

  • Break down the skills needed to complete an obstacle course. If you can, show them how to accomplish some of the steps required. Find a place where you can run, crawl and walk comfortably.  
  • Start with walking. Walk together from one end of the space to the other.  
  • Next, tell your toddler that you are going to stand in the middle of the space, and they need to walk past you without touching you.  
  • You can move around so that your toddler can try and dodge you. 
  • Repeat this and replace walking with running and then crawling.  
  • Your toddler might enjoy taking a turn at your role and asking you to walk towards them while they move around the space.