Activity Two

Daily tasks – encourage your baby to help you today

Written by MFFY | Jul 14, 2022 3:13:30 PM

What to try 

  • Pick parts of your routine that your baby can help with. It might be that they can throw something in the bin, put clean clothes away, or wash up snack pots in a small bowl on the floor. 
  • Choose one or two things that your baby can help with, and simple instructions they can follow. Perhaps open a drawer and say, “Put the socks in.” As they get stronger, your baby might be able to open and close the drawer and you could gradually build in, “Open the drawer,” then “Put the socks in the drawer,” followed by “Close the drawer.” 

Good to know 

Think about how and where your baby can help. Keep the instructions simple and use the same words each time.  

It will take longer when your baby helps you, so allow time to enjoy the process with them.