Activity Two

Cutting it – go outside to find some new things to cut

Written by MFFY | Mar 27, 2023 1:08:28 PM

What you need 

  • Scissors for both of you 

What to do 

  1. Take your scissors outside and look for leaves and grass that it would be safe, and allowed, to cut. 
  2. Stay with your child and encourage them to snip the stalks of leaves and grass. 
  3. Hold on to whatever your child chooses, so that they can concentrate on cutting.  
  4. If the stalks are too thick to cut, talk to your child about why, focus on how the thicker ones are stronger. Help them find thinner things to cut.    
  5. Collect some leaves and petals to snip at later when you’re back inside; your child might want to stick their cuttings onto paper to display them. 

Always supervise your child when they are using scissors and make sure they only snip, and collect, items you know are safe to touch.