Activity Two

Contrasting textures – invite little hands to explore different surfaces

Written by MFFY | Jul 14, 2022 3:10:00 PM

What you need 

  • A basket or box 
  • Hard, soft, rough and smooth baby safe objects 

What to do 

  • Pop all the items you have collected into the basket or box. 
  • Sit together and let your baby explore.  
  • You might want to prod a hard object, saying “Hard,” before offering it to your baby to touch.  
  • This can be repeated with the other textures during your baby’s exploratory time.  

Good to know 

We are not expecting your baby to make definite connections between the words and sensations just yet; they are starting to explore contrasting objects and learning how different textures feel. 

If your baby leaves the activity after a few moments, don’t worry, this is perfectly fine. The basket can be saved and brought back during other playtimes. You can also find moments during other games or tasks to comment on the textures your baby is feeling throughout the day.