Activity Two

Come on, let’s go to the park – you can copy the way I play

Written by My First Five Years | Jan 4, 2023 10:34:11 AM

What to do 

  • Take a trip to a local park or play area where there is a high chance of meeting other children.  
  • While you are there, engage in imaginative play with your toddler. You might pretend you are on a safari, looking for animals. Invite your toddler to wear their pretend binoculars and off you go.  
  • Look for things other children are doing; if you feel confident enough to, comment on their actions and copy them. Your toddler will probably copy you too.  
  • Seeing you copy other children’s actions can help your toddler learn that we can look to other people to get ideas of how to play.  
  • You might find that another child looks interested; if you feel comfortable, invite them to join in. Your toddler will have two people to copy now.