Activity Two

Play musical tickles!

Written by MFFY | Jul 18, 2022 2:33:17 PM

What you need 

  • Music with clearly identifiable instruments 

What to do 

  • Play the music and draw your toddler’s attention to it.  
  • Try and tune into what musical instruments you can hear.  
  • When you identify one, say something like, “Ooh, I can hear a piano. I would like to play the piano, but I haven’t got one. Hmmm, what could I do? I know, you can be my piano.”  
  • Pretend to play the piano on a ticklish part of your toddler’s body.  
  • When you feel you have tickled them enough, pause and go back to listening to the music.  
  • Identify more instruments and create ticklish moments by pretending to play them on your toddler. 
  • Your toddler can take a turn playing instruments on you, too. 

Good to know 

Always make sure your child is comfortable being tickled.  

They might like it some days but not others; stop if they ask you to – even if they’re laughing. It’s important to show your toddler that all adults should respect their boundaries. 

There are always alternatives, such as tickling teddies, siblings or other people who enjoy being tickled.