
Character stickers – whose turn it is to go down the stairs?

What you need

  • Stickers – characters will work well, but if your toddler prefers other things, such as animals, monsters or sealife creatures, go with their interests. 
  • If you don’t have stickers, make some by cutting out images from newspapers, magazines, leaflets or brochures and sticking/taping these to the top side of your toddler’s feet.

What to do 

  1. Place a different sticker on each of your toddler’s feet. You might have a car on the left foot and a teddy on the right foot.  
  2. When your toddler’s feet are ready, stand at the top of the stairs and say, “Give the car a turn, then give teddy a turn. Oh, it’s the car’s turn again.”  
  3. You can do this when you are out and about too, as the stickers should stick on to your toddler’s footwear (just avoid puddles!)