
Cardboard box fun – turn a box into a sledge for all year-round fun

What you need 

  • A large cardboard box 
  • A scarf or rope 

What to do 

  1. Take your box and cut down the two vertical sides of the front panel and lay it flat, so that the box has three sides and not four.  
  2. On the flat side, make a hole so that a scarf or rope can be tied through it. You now have an indoor sledge! 
  3. Find a space large enough for your toddler to be safely pulled along in the box. 
  4. Get your toddler to sit in it. They might want to hold on to the walls of the box when you first start playing this game.  
  5. Gently pull the box. Your toddler might fall backwards or to the side at first. Going slowly gives them time to work out how to adjust their balance to be able to stay upright.  
  6. When they are getting the hang of staying upright, you can pull the box faster or slower.