
Build a tower so tall it makes us look small!

What you need 

  • Building blocks (as big as you have) or other things you can build with, like cardboard boxes 

What to do 

  • Clear space on the floor and set out your blocks or boxes.  
  • Space them out to encourage your toddler to move around while playing.  
  • Play with your toddler by moving, placing and stacking blocks. You could show them how to build a tower or just let them experiment if they enjoy stacking by themselves.  
  • You can ask your toddler to fetch or move blocks that are a little further away, to encourage them to walk around. They may have to change the direction they are walking in if obstacles are in their way. 
  • Once you have a tall tower, you can both step backwards to admire it. 
  • If your toddler isn’t interested in building a tower, let them lead the game. They might gather all the blocks in one place, or into a big box. The act of moving around the room to collect the items is the goal here, so it doesn’t matter what they create! 

Good to know 

Moving around objects and changing direction while walking takes lots of practice. When you’re out and about, encourage your toddler to walk around and over things whenever it’s safe to do so. To move through narrow spaces, encourage them to walk sideways or even backwards – you may need to show them how.  

Your toddler learns best through repetition, so using this language in everyday routines will build up their understanding as well as help them move around naturally.