
Bringing it together – banging two items together to make different sounds

What you need  

  • A selection of baby-safe small toys or objects that will make a noise if they bang together. Things like small blocks, plastic toys or rattles work well. 


What to try 

  • When your baby is sitting comfortably, offer them a selection of baby-safe small toys or objects. 
  • Encourage your baby to explore the objects; they may choose to bang them together themselves.  
  • If they do, share in their excitement at the sound and ask, “Can you make it louder?”  
  • Show them how to hit harder to make a loud sound and more softly to make a quieter sound.  


Good to know 

If they’re not interested in banging items, don’t worry. Perhaps have a go yourself to show them what happens, encourage your baby to join in with your excitement when it makes a sound! Take a moment to listen to the sound you make and describe it. 

Achieving this themselves will take a lot of practice, but showing them what is possible can inspire them to have a go.