
Be a good role model – show your toddler how you expect them to behave

What to try 

  • Your toddler is fascinated by you and your family members. They watch what everyone else does and start to make connections about life.  
  • You can really support your toddler’s understanding of behaviour by showing them the behaviours you want to see. 
  • When you model (show them) the behaviour, tell them exactly what you’re doing, and be mindful to behave how you’d like them to as much as possible. This will reinforce your message. 
  • Perhaps your toddler has drawn on a wall: you could say, “Look, here is some paper. We draw on paper.” Use as many opportunities to reinforce drawing or writing on paper as possible during the days and weeks that follow. When you see your toddler use paper for drawing, make a big deal about praising them.