
Baby workout – holding toys above your baby to encourage them to look

What you need

A selection of interesting toys and objects. 

What to do 

  1. Lie your baby on their back somewhere that is comfortable for them and for you. 
  2. Find some toys or objects that will interest them. 
  3. Sit next to your baby and hold a toy or object where they can see it, close to their fingertips. 
  4. Give them time to look at the object and move their arms and hands.  
  5. Smile and encourage them if their hand touches the object.  

Always supervise your baby when they are playing and make sure objects are safe for them.  

Good to know 

A baby gym, if you have one, can be another way to give your baby time to look at toys or objects. You could tie different objects to the gym to give them different things to look at.   

As above, stay with your baby when you use a baby gym.