
Artist’s impression – working out which end to draw or paint with

What you need 

  • A table, wall or the floor 
  • Paper 
  • Creative equipment, such as paint and paintbrushes, or colouring pencils 

What to do 

  1. Prepare a table, a wall or the floor with paper. 
  2. Place your creative equipment next to the paper.  
  3. Have the brushes or pencils facing in different directions so that your toddler needs to work out which end to use.  
  4. Sit next to them and watch to see if they can figure out how to use their artist’s tools.  
  5. You might need to guide them with supportive phrases such as, “I’m not sure that pencil is working, let’s have a look to see where the colour is.” Turn the pencil the right way and say, “Oh look, it was hiding there.”