Activity Two

Action activities – play this simple game and practise changing tenses 

Written by MFFY | Aug 16, 2022 2:48:15 PM

What to do 

  • Make sure there is plenty of room for you and your toddler to move together.  
  • Tell them you are going to play a moving game and they just need to listen to what you say. 
  • Say something like, “Let’s walk.”  
  • Walk with your toddler and say, “We’re walking.” Then say, “Stop.” 
  • Before moving on to the next action, say, “We were walking – what shall we do next?” 
  • Your toddler might come up with an idea, but if not, make another suggestion, “Let’s dance!” and repeat the process, commenting as you do each action.  
  • If your toddler likes this game, you could introduce it for some routine activities. For example, at bedtime you could say, “What shall we do next?” “Let’s brush our teeth!” “We’re brushing.”