Activity Two

A trip to the park – what we can find there?

Written by MFFY | Jul 21, 2022 2:58:16 PM

What to do 

  1. Plan a trip to the park, or a familiar play space, with your toddler.  
  2. While you’re there, ask your toddler to help you collect leaves, stones or anything that there will be lots of.  
  3. Start looking together; make it exciting, like an adventure. 
  4. Look out for a nearby tree, bench or landmark, and if you spot one that’s within a safe distance, suggest to your toddler that either you or they go there and look for items. Your toddler should still be within sight and hearing distance of you.  
  5. When your toddler is a little further away, keep checking their body language. If you feel they are confident, decide together whether it might be good to move slightly further away. If they look unsure, move closer and keep talking to them. 
  6. When you get home, you could make something with the items you have found or take photos of them to send to friends and family.