
Bedtime battles? Keep your cool and help them to understand that boundaries need to remain in place

What to try 

  • Bedtimes can be full of opportunities for your toddler to say no, especially if they are tired, but try to take a deep breath and keep as calm as you can.  
  • When your toddler explores autonomy at bedtime, it can be especially hard as it’s the end of the day for you too. 
  • You can’t always do what your toddler wants, but you can show them you understand they are disappointed. 
  • If you are trying to get your toddler to bed, and they don’t want go, show you recognise how they feel, but also that you need to look after them by making sure they get enough sleep.  
  • Say something like, “I know you are sad because you don't want to go to bed. But it’s important you sleep to help you grow, so you do need to go to bed now.” 

Good to know 

Sometimes your toddler will be tired, and their emotions run higher than usual. 

When dealing with a tired toddler, keeping clear boundaries and offering comfort will support them through it. Sometimes they just need to let their feelings out and be heard.