
A classic children’s rhyme that’ll get you moving up and down

What to do 

  1. Prepare yourselves for a rendition of ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’. 
  2. Sing along to this song, while marching up and down. 
  3. Begin by leading the way so that your toddler can copy your actions. 
  4. When the words mention marching up, stretch up tall to the ceiling while marching. 
  5. For marching down, try squatting or bending down to the ground (if you can), while still marching. When your child is confident enough, encourage them to lead the march. 

Here are the lyrics:  

Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York.  
He had ten thousand men.  
He marched them up to the top of the hill,  
And he marched them down again.  
And when they were up, they were up.  
And when they were down, they were down.  
And when they were only half-way up,  
They were neither up nor down.